Build portfolios with confidence and uncover trading opportunities through our extensive fundamental equity research of over 1,600 companies, along with quantitative insights on more than 13,000 global firms. Additionally, we manage 15 stock and ETF model portfolios, as well as 5 ESG model portfolios, boasting track records of up to 24 years.
Our Research Solutions
Fundamental Equity Research
Obtain an in-depth understanding of worldwide trends, sectors, and businesses.

ETF Data & Analytics
Essential data and analytics to expertly navigate the ETF landscape.
Unlock valuable insights into the global ETF landscape by swiftly analyzing fund flows and spotting new product or investment opportunities using our specialized ETF data and analytics. Our proprietary classification framework, featuring nearly 100 detailed categories, ensures precise and comprehensive analysis.
ETF & Mutual Fund Research
A forward-thinking, comprehensive approach to fund insights.
Our fund insights prioritize the future over the past. While incorporating relevant trailing analysis, our distinctive approach to ETF and mutual fund ratings leverages forward-looking indicators to pinpoint funds with the highest potential for outperformance.

Forensic Accounting Research
Grasp the implications of financial reporting by public companies.
Generate alpha and steer clear of costly portfolio pitfalls with our comprehensive forensic accounting research of companies we identify as having notably poor financial reporting quality, operational metrics, and corporate governance issues.
Public Policy & Legal Research
Identify opportunities and risks influenced by public policy changes.
Evaluate and quantify investment opportunities and risks stemming from significant public policy and legal events that influence financial markets, encompassing legislative, regulatory, judicial, and political developments at all government levels.

Technical Research
Empowering you with confidence to navigate through any market cycle.
Gain the confidence to navigate through any market cycle with our proven, data-driven technical research. We utilize supply and demand metrics to gauge the internal strength of markets, sectors, industry groups, and individual securities.
Who We Serve
Wealth Managers
Full-service Broker-Dealers, Online Broker-Dealers, Wealth Management Firms, Private Banks, RIAs
Institutional Investors
Institutional investors include Hedge Funds, Asset Managers, Pension Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Private Equity, Family Offices.
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