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MarketScope Advisor

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Stay informed of the big picture
Macro and thematic commentary to help you stay on top of the latest trends in the markets
- Commentary focused on economic and market trends, history, strategy, and momentum.
- Industry insights highlighting key drivers, broad fundamentals, recent performance and trends.
- Industry and sector commentary with our near-term outlook
- Weekly Primary Trend perspective
Build portfolios and select investments
Validate your investment ideas, choose investments, and construct portfolios
- Custom screening of stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds to generate investment ideas or validate your own investment thesis.
- 15 turnkey stock and ETF model portfolios with track records ranging up to 24 years. 5 recently launched ESG models.
- Relative Strength rankings and charts along with custom screening capabilities by key technical indicators
- Pre-formatted model portfolios.
- Tools to identify stocks to buy or short, based on capitalization, growth, value, or momentum.
Monitor investments and manage risk
Mitigate risk within your practice as well as client portfolios
- Custom watchlists to easily monitor stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs.
- Set alerts to receive notifications when new research is published.
- Daily scans of stocks that have triggered alerts.
- Alerts identifying special situations.
- Receive alerts when an issue does something out of the ordinary.
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Our independent research, award-winning Research-as-a-Service (RaaS) APIs, and white glove service will help ensure you can serve the best interests of your retail investor clients.
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