Forensic Accounting Research

Forensic Accounting Research to Strengthen Investment Decisions.

Generate alpha and manage risk

Identify discrepancies between reported financial results and the true financial health of a company

Our proprietary, proven, and rigorous forensic accounting research identifies those companies in our coverage universe that we believe raise red flags based on the poor quality of reported financial results, weak operational metrics, or corporate governance problems. Identification of these companies allows you to make sound investment and risk management decisions.

Tenured Expertise

Our global team members are trained in forensic accounting analysis. Our team is regarded as thought leaders in forensic accounting research with direct buy-side, sell-side, and accounting industry experience.

Broad Coverage

Qualitative coverage of more than 140 global companies with our highest conviction names included on our Biggest Concerns list. Quantitative assessments are available for more than 25,000 publicly traded global companies.

Time Tested Methodology

Our proprietary, proven methodology pinpoints risks of hidden deterioration in the underlying business, future accounting restatements, and/or weaknesses in corporate governance.

An Array of Forensic Accounting Research Solutions to Fit Any Investment Style

Access our highest conviction ideas

Biggest Concerns List

With our Biggest Concerns List, you have access to our actively curated portfolio of global companies representing our highest conviction ideas that show substantial risk of deteriorating earnings quality or fraud.

Fully customized research solutions

Bespoke Research Solutions

Our Bespoke research team provides customized investment, due diligence and analysis in support of a specific project or initiative. With capabilities ranging from focused reviews to deep-dive forensic financial statement analysis, you will benefit from our propriety approach that pinpoints risks of financial risk.

Stay current on legal themes, cases, and regulatory events

Legal Research

Stay on top of legal catalysts and potential mispricings related to major patent and other litigation, crisis, and regulatory events with industry-leading legal research designed to help you make sound investment and risk management decisions.

Access quantitative assessments of over 30,000 companies

CFRA Scores

Cash Flow Scores
Cash Flow Scores for nearly 4,000 North American companies that go beyond traditional analysis of operating and free cash flow from operations with details including collection from customers, payments to suppliers, and interest payments to creditors.

Earnings Scores
Measurement of discretionary, non-cash components of earnings growth, which indicates which companies are more likely to report disappointing results, restate earnings, or face regulatory or legal action. In addition, our Earnings Scores also highlight companies with understated earning potential that are more likely to outperform.

Accounting Lens

Our research service featuring forensic, financial and qualitative research, analysis and opinions on critical market catalysts including our Biggest Concerns List, Company and Industry Reports, Quantitative Assessments, Educational Reports, and access to our Accounting Help Desk.

Education and Insights

Online and onsite seminars led by forensic analysts that give your team tools and techniques to uncover hidden risk within financial markets.

Want to learn more?

Download sample research reports to see how CFRA can help empower your investment and business decisions.